Sunday, March 14, 2010


I had my interview on Thursday. I found the recruiter to be nice and easy to talk to. The interview questions weren't too difficult. Mostly consisted of questions around why I wanted to join the peace corps and a lot of questions about my past work and volunteer experiences and some questions around the core expectations of the peace corps. 

Due to the fact that I have had Spanish language training and a lot of leadership experience with Non-profit organizations, I was nominated for a Non-profit/NGO development assignment in Central/South America region leaving in early February. At this point, I have no idea what country that could be. After some research, I have found that it could be one out of a few countries. 

I wasn't expecting to be nominated the same day, but knew it was a possibility. It certainly added a sense of "realness" to the process. February, although 10 months away, will come sooner than I expect. I should be getting a medical/dental clearance packet soon, will update as I make progress!


  1. I think you should totally reconsider! LOL
    I'm just joking, CONGRATS!:)

  2. woo hoo! yay cuzzo! I'm so excited for you....i'll be following your footsteps soon.
